As of January 1st, 2025, the National Fire Authority (NFA) has ceased accepting manual requests for Structural Inspections on new and existing businesses.
To streamline processes and improve service delivery, all applications must now be submitted through the newly launched Business NOW Fiji online portal.
Customers are required to register with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) before accessing the portal.
This government-initiated system is designed to unify all approving agencies, eliminating red tape and bottlenecks. The platform facilitates a seamless process from booking inspections and making online payments to generating and printing necessary documents—all completed ONLINE.
For further information or assistance:
• Please contact the Ministry of Commerce and Trade, or
• Visit your nearest Fire Station for guidance and speak SFS Inspectors in major Divisional Offices in Suva, Lautoka, Nadi and Labasa.
We thank you for your cooperation as we embrace this innovative system to serve you better.