The Chief Executive Officer of the National Fire Authority (NFA), Puamau Sowane, has ended his biannual inspections of 19 fire stations in the Central/Eastern, Western and Northern Divisions.

The two remaining stations to be inspected include Levuka, which was inspected this morning, and Taveuni.

Last week, Mr Sowane conducted thorough inspections at the Korolevu, Sigatoka, Nadi, Lautoka, Ba, Tavua, Rakiraki, Nabouwalu, Seaqaqa, Labasa and Savusavu fire stations.

Accompanied by a high-level team comprising the Chief Fire Officer, Manager Legal and International Affairs, Manager Fire Safety Compliance and Properties, Manager Risk & Audit, and the Station Officer Standards & Discipline, Mr. Sowane focused on several critical areas during his inspections.

These included the cleanliness of the stations, compliance with Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) standards, and adherence to the NFA's 5S principles, which emphasize order and efficiency in the workplace.

During his visit, Mr. Sowane underscored the importance of strict adherence to disciplinary standards and the completion of Required Fitness Level (RFL) tests.

He also highlighted the necessity of ongoing education and professional development within the NFA, particularly encouraging officers to pursue certification as fire engineers with the UK-based Institute of Fire Engineers (IFE).

Notably, there are currently no certified local fire engineers, a gap that Mr. Sowane is keen to address.

In line with the NFA's commitment to continuous learning, Mr. Sowane urged officers to pursue tertiary education, noting that the Authority supports such efforts by granting full-time study leave with pay to at least three employees currently undertaking higher education courses.

Officers were also briefed on recent changes to the NFA's Human Resources Policy and the implications for their roles and responsibilities.

Mr. Sowane reiterated the NFA's strategic goal of reducing structural fires by 5% each year, a target that remains central to the Authority's mission.

He also took the time to field queries from officers at all fire stations he inspected and clarified issues they raised. 

In concluding his visits, Mr. Sowane expressed his gratitude to all officers for their unwavering dedication and service, which continues to be the backbone of the NFA's success in safeguarding communities across Fiji.




Established by virtue of the National Fire Service Act, 1994 the National Fire Authority assumed responsibilities to provide fire services for the entire nation of Fiji in February 1995.


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