Are your children safe at home?

The National Fire Authority is advising parents and guardians to be mindful of their children’s safety while they are home.

It is important parents take the lead role in teaching their children fire safety. There have been previous cases where the lack of supervision of children has caused home fires and our advice to all parents is to look after their children and keep them safe during the holidays.

  • Ensure all matches and lighters are kept away from the reach of children
  • Ensure children do not play in the kitchen or cooking areas.
  • Teach children not to play with electrical switches
  • Supervise children while they play with any

One of the most important fire safety devices for the home is the smoke alarm. Several studies have concluded that when working smoke alarms are present, the chance of dying from the fire is reduced. The smoke alarms currently in place have saved many lives, but several problems exist:

  • First, the 12% of homes without alarms have more than half fires;
  • Second, it is estimated that a third of the smoke alarms in place are not often working due to failure to replace a worn out battery;
  • And third, many homes have as many alarms as are needed to protect the occupants properly.
    SMOKE from fire is toxic, only early warning can help give your family vital time to escape a smoke filled room.

Also, when asleep you will not smell the smoke from a fire - in fact the smoke will put you into deeper sleep. A smoke alarm can provide the early warning you need and is the critical


Firebird Smokey's friend, Reddy the Fire Extinguisher can also save your life or that of your family

Reddy the Fire Extinguisher can go anywhere:

  • Into your Family's Kitchen;
  • Into the Garage;
  • Into the Car.

If you don't know how to use Reddy the Fire Extinguisher, Firebird Smokey and his friends at the National Fire Authority are happy to show you how.

Make sure your home has a smoke alarm.

Test your smoke alarm once a month

Change your smoke alarm's batteries every four months -- IT'S AS EASY AS 1, 2, 3

In Case your clothes catch fire.

Your Check List!!

  • Is your local emergency phone number on your telephone?
  • Can your house number be seen from the street so that emergency vehicles can find you?
  • Do you have a smoke


Fire Victims would have been much more likely to survive if they had an evacuation plan to help them get out of their homes faster.

Home Fire Escape Plan Check List
Every home and workplace should have a fire escape [Evacuation] plan. Accidental home fires by their very nature can catch people unawares. Without an escape plan you are placing your life and your family's lives in jeopardy. For a safer home or workplace, regularly practice the following escape tips:

  • Know two safe routes out of every room.
  • Draw your escape plan on paper and discuss with family or workmates.
  • As you evacuate make sure you close internal doors behind you.
  • Make sure that windows and doors can quickly open if and when required.
  • Install smoke alarms, test them regularly and change the batteries at least once a year.
  • Practice your escape plans regularly.
  • If

Many children and in particular boys, may develop an interest in fire or playing with lights or matches at some stage. It is accepted by Health proffessionals that an interest in fire by children is quite normal but care is necessary to ensure that your child doesn't get burnt or damages anything as a result of this curiosity.


There are various reasons why children start fires, some of these reasons include:

  • Curiosity and fascination is accepted as part of normal behavioral learning.
  • Some children may start fires as part of individual attention seeking.
  • Peer pressure from other children may have an element of malicious mischief that include setting fires.
  • Health professionals advise that some children may have an unhealthy fire fascination that will require professional health treatment.
  • Children are usually unaware that a tiny

The Cause of fire comes back to the human element, but, there are basic precautions that can be taken.

Some Useful hints are:

  • Remove all accumulation of rubbish and unwanted materials at regular intervals.
  • Make regular checks of all electrical appliances, chords, fuses, and how these appliances are being used.
  • Position heating devices in safe locations - away from curtains, furniture, clothing, draughts.
  • Install a home smoke alarm to give early warning of a fire outbreak.
  • Install a suitable fire extinguisher in your home.
  • Above all, good housekeeping minimises fire risks - be aware:
  • It can happen when least expected...taken by surprise, you can find it difficult to think CLEARLY and act QUICKLY to do the 'right thing'.
  • You should form a FAMILY FIRE PLAN AND PRACTICE so it becomes natural to do the 'right

Fire Safety Tip For Homes (Cookings, Smokers)


  • Most home fires occur in the kitchen while cooking and are the leading causes of injuries from fire. However, they are often extinguished with only minor damages when a person is generally present.
  • Common causes of fires at night are carelessly cigarettes, sparks from fireplaces without spark screens or glass doors, and hot appliances left too close to furniture or other combustibles.
  • These fires can be particularly dangerous because they may smolder for a long period of time before being discovered by sleeping residents.


  • Have plenty of deep, large ashtrays or ones with large sides so as cigarettes or pipes cannot fall out.


  • Don't

Businesses need to have plans to prevent fires and help their business recover should an unforeseen emergency occur.


The National Fire Authority recommends this simple safety checklist to assist your bussiness prevent damage that could be caused by fire.

  • Teach your staff about workplace fire prevention and safety. For a small fee the National Fire Authority will provide the necessary basic training.
  • Avoid storing or stockpiling flammable materials such as packaging materials or waste where they could be accessed by the public, including areas immediately outside your business premises.
  • Make sure all machinery are serviced as recommended by manufacturers and is kept clean. If possible switch machinery off when the business is unattended.
  • Secure all doors, windows or other access points when the business is unattended, and make sure your business

Established by virtue of the National Fire Service Act, 1994 the National Fire Authority assumed responsibilities to provide fire services for the entire nation of Fiji in February 1995.


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Address :

Argo Street, Walu Bay, Suva

Phone :

3312 877/3312 145/
3313 419/ 3313 091


